The Maurer Update

Everyday life. Fun stories. Captured moments.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Phrases I Have Enjoyed Lately

Judah is a ham. Here are a few of his statements this week:
"God sees us. He is in my room."
After falling and hurting his knee..."God made the ground really hard."
After bumping into my knee..."That's like a concrete slab!"
"Oh Gosh" (My fault...we are trying to avoid that one)
"Where is Jesus Mom? I can't see him anywhere!"
"The sun went down, where does it go?"
Pretending with daddy..."There's a kangaroo in the road!"

These are only a few, and I am sure I will think of a ton more that are even funnier after I post this, but I wanted to make sure I recorded them...


At 9/12/2005 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun?


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