The Maurer Update

Everyday life. Fun stories. Captured moments.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sick and tired of...

POOP! Okay. 3 hints. He turns three on April 1st. He is the cutest almost three year old in Pasadena. He poops 3-9 times a day without fail. Yes. You guessed it. Judah. I am so done. I found a little trail to the bathroom where he was not attempting to use the bathroom, but rather wanting to take a he explains it "it just fell out, mom!" I smiled, cleaned him up, explained that he needs to tell me before attempting these things on his own and then encouraged him to use the potty....maybe one day. Not today and probably not tomorrow....
Oh well. They say they grow up too fast and time flies....I will have to take their word for it and just go with the flow (literally) for another....year?


At 2/08/2006 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaah. Remember how you used to find it smeared all over the crib?

At 2/08/2006 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I feel your pain. Ugh, poop on the floor is sooooo frustrating! But go with the flow, and pray. That's what I did, everyday. And poof! one day it happened. I wanted to work hard for it, but in the end Jos did it himself. that's probably why it was so frustrating for me because I'm a control freak when it comes to what my son can and can't do. It'll happen! Go Judah!

At 2/23/2006 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It just fell out mom." Thats the funniest thing I have ever heard! LOL,. :-) -paul


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