The Maurer Update

Everyday life. Fun stories. Captured moments.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's been a while....

Again! I lose track of hours, days and then weeks!

We have been battling a cold for a while. But besides that, I helped lead worship at our women;s retreat which was a lot of fun for me. God sort of renewed me that weekend and I am finding times of QUICK solitude here and there. For some reason I have been exhausted. I fell asleep at 8:30 pm 2x this week. I guess all the short nights have caught up to me.

Pray for Judah. His left eye is slightly lazy. It turns in a bit especially when he is tired. He see's an optometrist in a couple of weeks (did I get that title right?) Anyway, I found out that Jon's sister and father had the same thing. They had a lot of problems with their vision and ended up with years of glasses. Judah is excited about them for now. He will look adorable. I will post some if he ends up with them. I will post one of me when I was small too. It is hilarious.

Good night!


At 10/08/2007 11:20 PM, Blogger Grace H. Lin said...

we'll be thinking and praying for judah.

~grace & john


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